Christmas candle Arrangement


Featuring a large-headed Grand Prix rose, a green spray chrysanthemum, red spray chrysanthemums, red carnations and red spray carnations with aspidistra leaves, skimmia and gold and copper eucalyptus, holly and spruce. The design is finished with 2 tall cream tapered and gold glittered cones.

Approximate Product Dimensions:

Height: 18cm, Width: 52cm


This sumptuous arrangement of flowers and foliage is a fitting decoration for the Christmas dinner table and is sure to be admired by all. We’ve chosen festive red flowers and a selection of seasonal foliage and added a pair of slim, tapered candles and a dusting of glitter.

Featuring a large-headed Grand Prix rose, a green spray chrysanthemum, red spray chrysanthemums, red carnations and red spray carnations with aspidistra leaves, skimmia and gold and copper eucalyptus, holly and spruce. The design is finished with 2 tall cream tapered and gold glittered cones.

Approximate Product Dimensions:

Height: 18cm, Width: 52cm

Additional information


Standard, large